Weekly Blog Post

This week at school I felt very good because I felt like I knew the schedule more and I knew what to do more often.

This week I had Tech it was also good I didn’t have enough time to finish my fuggler, I got my restricted license for the sewing machine. And we got taught how to make a cushion and we got to find the patterns we wanted to do on our cushion I did this beachy pattern with shells and stuff on it and another pattern with green foresty pattern with leaves on it.

We had assembly this morning it was fun. Rongomatane was leading it this morning. We done the opening karakia and then Ata hapara did a presentation about the performance they done. Then Rongomatane done a presentation about how the pool was open. Then  Tangaroa done a presentation about Spencer park camp and how it was. After that Urmi showed us the Wednesday challenge and told us that next week we have wheel or bike to school week. Then we finished off with our closing karakia.

I can’t wait to see what week 6 has to bring us.



Maths Test

Today we had to do a maths test.

There were 100 questions and I got 86 out of 100 in 10 minutes.

I did worse than my multiplication test.

Next time I want to get more than 50 questions correct in under 8 minutes.

To do this I have to make sure I don’t go too fast to that point I forget a few questions.

Today we did a times table test to see if we knew our multiplication facts .

we had 100 questions in 10 minutes.

I got a 97 out of 100 in 10 minutes.

My goal is to work on speed.

So next time I want to do at least 80 questions correct in under 9 min.

To achieve this goal one thing I am going to do is learn 8×7 and keep practising.

My Fitness Goal

Today we had swimming but I didn’t bring my swimming togs, so we had to run or walk the bike track and now we have to do a fitness goal.

I walked the whole bike track. So my goal is to run at least half of the bike track. After I do that I’m going to try and run the whole bike track. Then after I run the whole bike track  I will try to run it in 1 and a half in at least 10 minutes.

My swimming goal is to swim a whole pool length in freestyle.

Weekly Blog

This week was probably a great week to start off the year, I felt very happy because I found out about my literacy group. I am in Nicole’s literacy group with some friends, We did a letter to our future self, Nicole said she’ll give them to us at the end of the year so i’ll have to wait to the end of the year to see what I had written down.

Then we first break. After break we had maths I am in Sharon’s maths group, we did the number of the day (it was 300), we also did some place value. The place value is like Ones,Tenn,Hundred etc.

Then we have a 2nd break. After 2nd break we had our camp prep. My group is Nyah,b Maniya, Thea, Ruby and me. We are having noodles,bread,spreads, and fruit so we only have to cook our noodles, Nyah is bringing the tent.

Then we had a 3rd break. after 3rd break we have silent mahi-a-tahi. we found out our tech groups but since I missed Thursday I didn’t go.

We had dodgeball on Wednesday, that was pretty fun but I got dominated. We have dodgeball on Friday too.

I can’t wait to see what next week has to bring me.

Reflection On Week 1

This week I felt a bit nervous because I didn’t know if my friends from last year were still going to be my friends this year and I didn’t know the teachers, or the class room. It’s been 3 days since the week started and the year is going pretty good, we have Thursday and Friday off school because of Waitangi day. I found out that it’s the school’s 10th year anniversary but I will not be going to the celebration.

I have felt more comfortable around the class and the teachers so that’s been good, I know that teachers name now, they are nice. I have been hanging out with my friends and playing touch a lot.

My challenge this week was to find the right people to hang out with but I finally found the right group for me I do a lot of sports so I decided to play touch most of the time.

The sport I play is netball softball and touch now.

This year’s goal was to stay out of drama so far I haven’t been in drama but it’s only been 3 days so I will have to wait for the future to be the present.


Today we had to do Mahi-A-Tahi, Its like independant work.

On the Tangaroa learning site there is a title that says Mahi-A-Tahi.

When you go into that you scroll down and it has option to do stuff like Duolingo, Typing club, prototec, ect.

I decided to choose Duolingo.

After I choose Spanish as my lesson and I got a score of 88%


Football Reflection


For Physical Education this term, I have been learning how to play football with Lottie, Lisa and Amy.

We played games to learn football skills. My favourite part was the big game of football, because it was fun and competitive. All of us ran and had the ball.

I have learnt to have control over the ball. Because every time I have the ball and I’m dribbling the ball I don’t really have control but I have learnt to have control over the ball.

I focused on improving passing the ball properly and not kicking it too high for my team mate to get the ball.

The most challenging part of learning football was not pushing over the boys, because I have a short temper and I’m not patient. But I didn’t push any of the boys over because I didn’t want to get in trouble.

I enjoyed kicking the ball at people.

Are you interested in playing football for a club, Winter Sport or in your breaks. Why? Why not? No, I’m not interested in football because it’s not my type of sport.

I have shown the RISE value of success by participating in football and having fun.

I hope you guys like football.

Earthquake Data Handling

For the past week in maths we had to do Earthquake Data Handling.

We had to do different types of graphs, we had to do stem and leaf, tallys and bar graphs

First we had to put the depths in a stem and leaf graph.

Next we had to do I wonder and I notice statements.

After that I put the intensity into a bar graph and ask questions


Maths Graph Chart

Yesterday for maths I had to do a graph.

We had to chose a buddy to do it with and chose a title to graph it.

I choose carys

First we had to go on to forms in Google doc and put our title we choose “what is your first initial?”.

Next we had  to put the ABC in columns.

After we had done they we shared it to the class.

And then when we got the responses we put it in a graph